Awareness at St. John Baptist Primary School
We went to St. John Baptist Primery School in the slum area of Kabalagala in Kampala. We met 15 Primary teachers. We introduced our meeting with a questionnaire with a few questions about their current knowledge of human trafficking, which each one of the teachers had to fill. Most of the teachers didn’t have a lot of knowledge about this topic, though there were some interesting answers; a good beginning of our workshop. During the workshop we taught the teachers what human trafficking is and about the signals of a trafficker. A trafficker is not only a stranger, but it might be someone you know. We explained about what to do to prevent becoming a victim and how you can recognize a victim in the classroom. At the end of the meeting we gave the school a poster with a summary of our information and each of the teachers received a brochure with advices how to prevent human trafficking. These teachers have an increased of knowledge of human trafficking and know how to protect themselves against it.